During my last trip to the grocery store, I bought a ton of fruit. I've been scrambling to eat it all before it spoils so lately my oatmeal (and other meals!) has been filled and topped with plenty of delicious fruit! I don't mind that one bit!
I love to use ripe bananas in oatmeal and smoothies because they add a nice sweetness and creaminess. One of my favorite oatmeal combinations is mashed banana, cinnamon, maple, and walnuts. Tastes just like banana nut bread! Since I have strawberries to use up and strawberries plus bananas are an awesome pair, I thought, "Why not banana strawberry nut bread?" With my tummy rumbling, I ran to the kitchen to begin preparing my oats!
I cut a small banana in half then cut that half in half and placed the halves in a microwave-safe bowl. Say that ten times fast! I microwaved the banana for about 30 seconds to soften it.
Mash the softenened banana with a fork...
...then add a splash of milk and stir the mixture to a nice pudding-like texture.
Break up a portion of pre-cooked steel-cut oats and add milk. Add diced strawberries (I used 2 medium strawberries) and mix the mashed banana, oats, milk, and strawberries. Add any spices and sweeteners you'd like! I used maple syrup and a bit of cinnamon. Microwave the oats for 2-3 minutes, until warm and creamy.
Cut the rest of the banana half into small pieces and slice a few more strawberries to top the oatmeal!
Top the warm oats with fresh fruit and a sprinkle of chopped walnuts. Eat and be merry!